EMBolden Ministries

Embry Family Missions to Nigeria

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Our Story

EMBolden Ministries was born from a dream to serve in full-time missions many years ago. In 2013, Kyle and Nettie embarked on a short-term mission trip for their tenth wedding anniversary, and their hearts were changed forever.

In 2020, the Embry family was called by God to leave behind their Illinois home and follow Him into the world to share hope. The family is passionate about fighting human poverty, hunger, slavery, and trafficking.

The Embry’s teach sustainable farming practices to grow a variety of crops, construct and repair structures, educate children, and embolden (encourage) others by sharing the hope and love of Jesus. They strive to be flexible servants of God and therefore serve in the United States, Africa, and wherever God leads.

The Embry family has a love in their hearts to teach impoverished people how to grow their own food, share the good news of Jesus, disciple believers, and consequently, use these practices to help eradicate the trafficking and slavery of children.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...Mathew 28:19

Our Priorities

We will grow God's Kingdom in NIGERIA by:

How can you support EMBolden Ministries?

(hopefully in the future)

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"And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose."  Romans 8:28

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